Classroom Notes:
This newsletter is a two-week edition, as next week is a short week.
Grandparent/VIP Day: On Wednesday October 9 we will be sharing a song from music class and two poems from our classroom with grandparents and special guests. Students should wear dress uniform. Dismissal is at 11:35am.
Information about Speech Meet (November 13) is going home today in your child’s folder. Please read that over and help your child choose a poem or nursery rhyme to share. I am happy to help in choosing a piece. All selections should be printed and shared with me by Oct. 21 (this helps us oversee selections, avoid duplicates, etc). Thank you!
Please mark your calendars for our field trip on Friday Oct. 18 to Calvin Nature Preserve. We will start our activities with pressing apple cider in the classroom at 9am. Students will then have recess and snack. We will leave for Calvin Nature Preserve at 10:20am and return to school by 1:00pm. I have one chaperone/driver so far, but would love to have more. Let me know if you can join us!
You will see your child’s lunch towel sent home on Tuesday Oct. 8. They have gotten a lot of use and we think it might be nice to have them washed over the long weekend. Please return towels to school again after fall break.
Monday (Oct. 7) – Art, Baking for Grandparents/VIPs
Tuesday – PE, Craft, lunch towels sent home
Wednesday – Grandparent and VIP Day, dismissal at 11:35am
Thursday – No school, Fall Break
Friday –No School, Fall Break
Monday (Oct. 14)–Art, bring clean lunch towel back to school
Tuesday – PE, Craft
Wednesday – Music
Thursday– Nature Study
Friday – PE, Field Trip, Friday Focus
What We’re Learning:
Phonics: Students are learning correct letter formation as well as letter sounds. These next two weeks we will focus on L, M, N, rhyming words, syllables and creating simple sentences.
Poetry: We continue to memorize a traditional rhyme called “The Wise Old Owl”.
Math: We will work with graphs and numbers up to ten.
Geography: We continue learning about Michigan. Next week students will paint our state bird, the robin.
Science: We will do an activity that demonstrates why leaves change color. On Friday for our field trip, we will collect leaves that will later be made into a book.
Bible Story: We will hear the story of Isaac and Rebecca, then Jacob and Esau.
Music: We have continued to learn the various Elements of Music. We have learned about Beat, Rhythm, Pitch, and Melody! We have learned many songs, which includes “Make New Friends,” “Apple Tree,” and “Father, I Adore You” with sign language, which we will be singing for Grandparent/VIP Day Wednesday, Oct. 9! Our October Composer of the Month is William Byrd (1539-1623). You can find his music as well as other music we are covering in music class at these links:
October Playlist – Amazon, October Playlist – YouTube .You can enjoy listening to the music we are playing for Friday Focus folk dancing here:
Friday Focus Folk Music.
Virtue: Mrs. Hinthorne opened our staff meeting Monday with this Scripture verse about FRIENDSHIP: “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10) What will our school and homes and communities look like if we try to “outdo” one another in this way?