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Congratulations on a Successful Speech Meet!

November 14th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Thank you to everyone who came to hear this year’s Speech Meet. We hope you enjoyed the wonderful recitations. Congratulations to all our students on a job well done!

We would also like to thank our judges: Jeff K., Marcy B., Marty G., and Merideth V.

2019 Speech Meet Classroom Finalists

Be Winter Weather Ready…Because It’s Already Here!

November 14th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Winter road conditions are predictably unpredictable, so please allow yourself extra time for the trip to school on those icy or snowy days. If you haven’t already done so, take this opportunity to sign up for Remind texts for snow day and late start notifications.

Students will go outside for recess unless the wind chill is below zero. Please remember to pack sufficiently warm outerwear, including snow pants if students want to play in the snow.

Inclement Weather School Cancellation Policy:

In the event that roads are deemed to be too dangerous to travel on because of heavy snow or ice accumulation, school will be cancelled or delayed for a specified amount of time. You will be informed of this through regular television and radio news broadcasts. You should look for “Trinitas Classical School” to appear on the television screen for local TV news (channels 3, 8, 13), or to be named on a local radio station. You can also sign up at to be notified by email, pager, or cell phone in the event of delay or closing. Usually, when Grand Rapids Christian schools are closed, Trinitas is too, but check to be sure.

November Virtue Focus – Honesty

November 14th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Our virtue focus for November is HONESTY: being truthful and trustworthy. Our final Speech Meet performance on Wednesday was a lesson in truth-telling. Ask your child if he or she can remember what happened to poor Matilda. (Hint: It’s similar to the boy who cried wolf.) You can read the tragic tale together in The Book of Virtues, ed. by William Bennett. If you don’t have a copy at home, it would make a great Christmas gift!

This post contains additional content available to members only. Please log in to view the full post.

Register Now for Protect Young Eyes!

November 10th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Have you registered yet for our Protect Young Eyes event on Monday, December 9, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.? Please invite friends and family or anyone who might benefit from attending. Contact the office if you would like a flyer to post at your church, business, or other organization.

You may register through our website where you will also find a short video featuring Chris McKenna, the founder of Protect Young Eyes, describing the upcoming event. Please note this talk will be aimed at parents, those who care for or work with children/youth, or other adults who are concerned about this important issue. Parents who want to bring their older teenage children (high school age) should be aware that PYE will be speaking frankly about various concerns related to the internet and social media.

Important Speech Meet Information

November 10th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

We look forward to the Speech Meet on Wednesday, November 13, starting immediately after Morning Prayer at 8:20 a.m. We hope you will join us! In our experience, it is in the best interest of the students to begin promptly and to prevent interruption and delay once we have begun. Teachers and judges will not stop a classroom competition in progress. Parents who move between classrooms are asked to enter and exit classrooms between student speeches and not while students are presenting.

If you would like to know what time your child will be speaking, please contact the office.

Please remember the Speech Meet is a dress uniform event. Students should arrive in dress uniform on Wednesday morning.

Save the Date for Lessons and Carols – December 20

November 10th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Our students will present a joyful program of Scripture and song on Friday, December 20, at 10:30 a.m. Please invite friends and family to join us!

Trinitas Logo Apparel Makes a Great Gift!

November 10th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Our apparel store is open now and will be closing on December 4 with delivery in time for Christmas gift-giving (by December 20). Click here to purchase Trinitas t-shirts, sweatshirts, or jackets for your family!

November Virtue Focus – Honesty

November 7th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Our new virtue focus is HONESTY. We will be practicing being truthful and trustworthy. Watch for our home poster with ideas for reading about, discussing, and practicing honesty together.

CCE Corner – Committing to Something Bigger Than Yourself

November 7th, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Lesson 4. Be all-in: committing to something bigger than yourself.

In the 2013 Oxford University Press book, Families and Faith, the authors examine how religion is passed down from one generation to the next (or isn’t). If you’re curious, the groups which do the best job of passing on their faith share these characteristics:
1. High standards, combined with warmth
2. Strong inter-generational relationships
3. Parents who are “all-in”

Read the rest of this entry »

CCE Corner – Consider a Tech Sabbath

October 31st, 2019 by Trinitas Classical

Have you had a chance to read the latest CCEC lesson? There is much to ponder, but if we could highlight one idea or recommendation, it would be the “tech sabbath”. Have you considered building a tech-free time into your week, or even every day (e.g., when the family is all together in the evening)? When we intentionally release the things to which we may be holding too tightly (or which feel like they are holding us!), it gives us time and space to be fully present with one another and to “be still and know” the Lord.