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Virtue Focus – COMPASSION

September 17th, 2020

Preparing students for lives well-lived means preparing them to think, to act, and to love well. Virtue formation is an important part of who we are and what we do at Trinitas. We are moving to a Virtue of the Quarter (rather than a Virtue of the Month) schedule this year to give everyone more time at school and at home to work on forming habits of virtue.

While bad habits can be formed quickly, good habits take time! We strongly encourage families to acquire The Book of Virtues, edited by William Bennett, or The Children’s Book of Virtues (for grades K-2) and to read these inspiring stories together. Our virtue for the first quarter is COMPASSION.

Watch for updates and “Try This” ideas to come home soon. We will also make connections to our virtue focus in our Classical Christian Education Corner features, the first of which appears this week.