Join us for Discover Trinitas Night!Thursday February 20th, 6:30 PM


Our approach to education is distinctive because it is multi-directional. It looks to the past and the present to prepare students for the future. On the one hand, we employ what Dorothy Sayers calls “the lost tools of learning.” This includes providing our students with a firm foundation in grammar and logic, which itself includes the teaching of classical languages. In providing these skills, we equip students with the very best tools to think clearly and creatively. On the other hand, we take seriously the best contemporary tools of education. This means, for example, that we teach creative writing as well as inquiry-based science.

Learn More About the Trinitas Classical Approach to Academics:

  • The Curriculum at Trinitas fits beautifully within the classical model. We have created a program of study which equips students with the essential tools of learning, familiarizes them with classic works and important events, and is highly engaging. Learn More.
  • The Trivium – A classical education follows the Trivium (Latin for “the three ways”). At each of the stages of the Trivium, the student’s natural inclination to pursue knowledge is celebrated and guided in appropriate and highly effective ways. Learn More.
  • Latin & Greek – We teach Latin and classical Greek because they provide a terrific educational foundation. More than fifty percent of English vocabulary is taken from Latin. All the romance languages (Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc.) are based on Latin. Moreover, the study of Latin and Greek demand a very high level of competence with grammar. Learn More.
  • Books & Articles – These resources offer excellent insight into the value of classical education. Learn More.