Why choose Kindergarten at Trinitas Classical School?
Your kindergartener is an important and cherished part of the community at Trinitas. Right from the beginning, he or she will be a part of wider school activities and has the opportunity to form friendships with students from other grades. The self-discipline skills of listening, following directions, cooperating with others, and communicating are taught and reinforced in each grade, and we have a school-wide Virtue of the Quarter and Home Connection program. The curriculum for each subject has been carefully chosen to engage and challenge students at each grade level and is part of a coherent plan beginning in kindergarten and extending through eighth grade. Kindergarten students pray daily with the rest of the school in Morning Prayer, and a Christian perspective of love for God and for one’s neighbors permeates all we do.
“We hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above.” Charlotte Mason
Trinitas offers three- and five-day kindergarten. All kindergarten students engage the following curriculum:
Language Arts
- Reading, spelling and handwriting are introduced to students using a structured program from Wilson Reading Systems called Fundations. This research-based curriculum presents engaging and multisensory lessons in print concepts, letter formation, phonological and phonemic awareness, sound mastery, sight words, sentence structure and more.
- Students learn about the elements of a story, then write and share a short story with their classmates.
- Poetry is read and memorized together as a class. Hearing and memorizing poetry helps students to develop a rich vocabulary and an appreciation for the beauty of language. And it’s fun too!
- Many good books, both fiction and non-fiction, are read together in class and students practice narration.
Mathematics and Science
- Daily math topics are practiced using Singapore’s Dimensions Math Curriculum.
- Concepts are learned and reviewed using the student textbook along with games and hands-on activities.
- Students participate in science investigations using the FOSS inquiry-based science curriculum, exploring the following topics: Trees, Materials and Animals Two by Two.
Geography and History
- Michigan highlights are taught, and students create a Michigan book.
- United States highlights are taught, and students learn the names of the presidents through song.
- Students are introduced to the continents of the world through song and story and paint a picture for each of the continents. These pictures are put into a student book.
- Students are introduced to the oceans of the world through song and stories.
- Students learn many of the stories of the Old and New Testament in a weekly Bible story and review them throughout the year with a Bible timeline song.
- Stories are “mapped” on a timeline starting with Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
- Students also memorize and review Bible verses or portions of Psalms each week.
Art, Music and Physical Education
- Kindergarten students participate in weekly Art and Music classes.
- Visual artwork created by students is displayed at Fine Arts Night each spring.
- Students sing for Grandparent/VIP Day, Christmas Lessons and Carols, and our spring Fine Arts Night.
- Kindergarten students participate in PE class one morning per week. Individual and Team skills are taught through class games and sports such as soccer, floor hockey, football, and baseball.
Public Speaking
- Monthly opportunities for Show & Tell strengthen students’ oratorical and listening skills.
- Students take turns in the classroom leading the daily calendar sequence.
- The annual Speech Meet also provides the opportunity for students to speak in front of their class.
Field Trips and Extra-Curricular Activities
- Kindergarten students may visit the Van Andel Public Museum, Frederick Meijer Gardens, a local apple orchard, Calvin Nature Preserve, the Critter Barn, and a Grand Rapids Symphony Lollipops concert. Kindergarten students have also enjoyed visits from members of the community including a sign language teacher, a police officer, and a bee keeper.
- Kindergarten students participate with the rest of the school in our annual Speech Meet, Book Character Day, and Friday Focus activities. They are also invited to participate in the Young Authors Festival, Maker Faire, Thoughtful Reader Book Club, and Fine Arts Night.
Five-day kindergarten students will add to the above curriculum on Tuesdays and Thursdays:
- Students build physical skills with our motor lab from “Ready Bodies, Ready Minds”
- During read aloud time, we share Bible and classic stories, poetry, and fairytales.
- Science activities include nature walks and nature journaling to increase observation and delight in God’s world.