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Arrival & Dismissal Reminders

September 10th, 2021

Everyone benefits when traffic flows smoothly! Our morning drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups are going well overall. Here are a couple reminders as we head into week two.

In the morning, pull forward to the first available spot, even if no one is immediately behind you when you arrive. It is tempting to stop by the sidewalk (thus making a shorter trip from vehicle to door), but others may soon follow you, and back-ups do happen.

In the afternoon, please be sure that Mr. Marth (or whoever is presiding over the process) can see your family name card. Depending on the angle of the sun, weather conditions, etc., he may not be able to see through your windshield. You may need to take the name card down from the visor and hold it up or wave it out the window.

For safety and absence/tardy recording purposes, parents must stop in the office and sign the SIGN IN/OUT form if students arrive late in the morning or are picked up after 3:15 p.m. The form must also be signed if a student is picked up or dropped off any time during school hours, e.g., for an appointment.