Grandparents/VIP Day – Half Day, 11:35 Dismissal

Though we are unable to invite guests to the school building, we still plan to celebrate Grandparent/VIP Day and honor the special people in our students' lives by sharing a short video and gift. To participate, please complete the form that appears in the all-school newsletter and the school Outlook calendar. Grandparent/VIP Day is still […]

Kindergarten Field Trip

For more information about this event, please check the classroom and all-school newsletters.

Picture Day (Gr. K-6)

Students may wear “every day” or dress uniform attire for their photos. Homeschool students who wish to have their pictures taken should arrive by 11:15 a.m. An all-school photo will be taken at a later date.

Quarter 1 Ends – Color Day

Students will be allowed to wear appropriate, non-uniform attire to school. (Shirts must have sleeves.) Students should also remember to wear or bring clothing and shoes suitable for P.E. If there are questions, contact the office.

Speech Meet

Please check all-school and classroom newsletters for more information on this event.