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Keep Connected to Protect Young Eyes

April 16th, 2020

We can be grateful for the technology that has kept us connected since the school closed, but many of you may be feeling “screen fatigue”. We hope the break gives you the opportunity to unplug and enjoy activities that don’t require Wi-Fi!

As we return to online classes after Spring Break, we will continue to encourage families to practice good digital citizenship and be aware of online dangers. More children are online more hours now. We encourage you to take a few minutes (around 3 minutes each) to watch the following PYE videos with your child(ren). Mr. McKenna spoke with our 5th-8th graders when he was at Trinitas in December; the material from both videos is a good review of content from his talk with them. The K-4 video’s message is primarily about being safe online, and the 5-8 video is about making good online choices.

Grades K-4 Refresher Video
Grades 5-8 Refresher Video

Opt-in to receive the Protect Young Eyes bi-weekly parent tech newsletter by clicking this link, or by texting the word “protect” (no quotes) to 66866 and following the prompts.

“Like” the PYE Facebook page by clicking here and you’ll get a constant stream of updates. It’s like a mini-blog. Have you heard of “Zoombombing”? It’s a thing now, sadly, and PYE will tell you what you need to do to avoid it. (See March 26 post.)