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NOTICE – Important Reminders for Families

December 10th, 2020

In a year when we’ve had to focus on new routines, it’s easy to lose track of the “regular” ones. Please take note of the following reminders.

Dismissal Time Vehicle Identification

Family name cards must be visible at afternoon pick-up. The dismissal process is slowed significantly when we can’t read the name or if the card is missing. Please keep your family’s card in your vehicle so it’s always handy. The card needs to be placed so that it can be read by the dismissal teacher, i.e., flat against the glass. We may need to require vehicles without clear identification to move to a waiting area if delays continue. If your pick-up plans change, please remember to inform the office before dismissal time.

Dressing for the Winter Weather (Even When It’s Sunny)

We had a remarkably sunny November here in West Michigan, but make no mistake, the temperatures have dropped and will continue to do so. At times, wind chills have been in the teens during morning recess. Students must be dressed for the weather. This includes not only their outerwear, but their uniform choices. Shorts may not be worn after November 1. Girls must wear leggings under skirts. Because students are not changing at school on PE days, and may spend part of PE outside even on a chillier day, they should wear the uniform athletic pants and not shorts at this point.

No Fast Food/Restaurant Deliveries

Effective immediately, we are no longer allowing fast food deliveries for students during any part of the school day. Parents are welcome to bring a forgotten lunch, if necessary, but we are not able to manage the office/classroom disruption and inconvenience caused by unexpected restaurant deliveries. In addition, if those meals arrive too late, the students are not able to eat them until after school.