Join us for Discover Trinitas Night!Thursday February 20th, 6:30 PM

Sharing Our Gifts with the School of Promise

November 21st, 2019

It is a Trinitas tradition to partner with a charitable organization during the holidays as a way to express our gratitude for the Lord’s many blessings and a way to bless others in need. This year we will again be sending a financial gift to the School of Promise in Thailand.

We are excited to see how the school has grown since we first developed a relationship with them. The founder of the school visited Trinitas a few years ago and spoke at our chapel. The school is actively working to break the cycle of poverty and oppression in Thailand by providing an excellent school rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Thai students learn from Christian teachers who truly love them and who share God’s love with them inside and outside of the classroom. Our collection will go directly to the school to support their wonderful ministry.

Gifts may be brought to the office. If giving cash (no coins, please), mark the envelope with your family name. Checks should be made out to “Hope International Schools”. During Morning Prayer, your student will be able to place an ornament on our tree in recognition of your donation. Our students will also make cards for the School of Promise students and will pray for them!

Click here to learn more about the School of Promise.