Support Trinitas

My faith has grown tenfold ever since I came! – 8th grader

Your support is critical to the mission of classical Christian education. Please remember us in your prayers and prayerfully consider a financial gift to help us in our endeavors to cultivate lives of faith, reason, and virtue. Every gift is a blessing. May our Lord Jesus Christ, whose glorious coming is our prayer, bless you and direct you in the path of salvation.

What impact does your gift have?

  • Need-based financial aid for families
  • Facility upgrades and enhanced programming
  • Professional development for teachers

As we endeavor to be faithful stewards of that which has been entrusted to us, Trinitas remains committed to

  • beginning each year with 90% of funding in place
  • covering operating costs with tuition
  • making approximately 10% of expected tuition revenue available for need-based financial aid
  • building six months of cash reserves

Trinitas accepts no taxpayer funding either directly or indirectly. Neither Trinitas nor its students will ask you to buy any items or services to raise funds. Our Annual Fund letter is the only planned request for funds family and friends receive from us in a school year.

Trinitas is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your gifts are tax deductible as provided by law.