As we continue to enjoy our summer, we are preparing for a return to a more “normal” school year. As COVID-related guidance seems to be changing, we want to make sure that parents and students know what we anticipate this year will look like:
Still One Uniform a Day
Parents, teachers, and students all appreciated the elimination of uniform changing at school last year on PE days. By now you have probably read that we are keeping that modification. Students need only one uniform a day, so please make sure it is in excellent condition and fits well. Less to pack, less to remember, less to wash!
Bring a Beach Towel
You will notice that we kept the beach towel on the school supply list. We plan to enjoy lunch outside in the fresh, open air again this year when the weather is favorable, and the towel is great accessory.
Microwaves are Available
Microwaves will again be available for student use at lunch time. If you do send something for your student to warm up, you will need to send the appropriate dish. Please note: The microwave is for warming up food, not cooking it. Using the microwave to cook food results in dishes that are too hot for students to handle safely.
Will orientation, conferences, and other events be in person?
Yes, all our events will be in person.
Are face masks required at school?
Face masks will be optional for everyone. Masks will not be provided by the school, nor will teachers enforce family mask preferences. Parents will be responsible for establishing and enforcing their expectations.
Will my child be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine in order to attend school?
No. The COVID-19 vaccine will not be required to attend school. This is a decision that will remain with families.
Will students be in cohorts in the school or on the playground?
No. There are currently no requirements to maintain grade or class cohorts. Student groupings will again reflect our commitment to building community between classrooms and throughout the school.
What safety protocols will remain in place?
We will continue training staff, cleaning and sanitizing high-touch surfaces, teaching handwashing and good hygiene, utilizing fresh air exchange where possible, and requiring sick staff and students to stay home.
Will contact tracing continue?
Schools are required by law to report communicable diseases to their local health department within 24 hours. Positive COVID cases will be reported to Kent County Health Department.
Will the school quarantine students?
Students will not be quarantined due to a close contact at school. Only unvaccinated students with a positive case of COVID in their household will be required to quarantine.
Will Trinitas provide services for quarantined students?
Yes, Trinitas will provide learning continuity for students that have to be quarantined. Parents (and older students) will be expected to utilize the grade-level newsletters posted on the website each week.
For students in Grades K-4, missed work will be provided through instructional packets. There will be regular materials exchanges for students to turn in completed work and receive new hard-copy work, hands-on materials, and any other items needed.
For students in Grades 5-8, instructional packets with hard-copy materials and, whenever practical, remote access to classroom instruction or to the teacher will be provided. Students and parents are expected to review online procedures and etiquette together and work to establish a predictable routine for the school day with the goal of establishing good habits that will help students grow in independence and integrity.