We have much for which we are thankful, and that includes the fact that we have already received over $5,900 in donations toward our annual fund goal of $75,000. With the 50% match, we have $8,900 of the $75,000 we aim to raise this year. With an additional $22,000 in matching funds available until the end of December, what could you do to support Christian classical education?
It is our goal to have 100% family participation in our Annual Fund, no matter the size of the gift. Truly, every gift matters!
Additional annual fund flyers are available. If you know someone who would be willing to partner with us in this fund drive, please contact the office for additional flyers.
Worth remembering: Aside from the cost of meals and uniforms, tuition is still the only bill families receive for the entire year. That is not the case at most other private schools.
Thank you for your support and for sharing our Annual Fund flyers with friends and family. Please click here to donate today!