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What Is Color Day?

October 13th, 2021

At the end of each quarter, students are invited to wear “Color Day” clothes, i.e., non-uniform attire. We expect students to follow these guidelines for appropriate Color Day clothing. No pajamas/sleepwear, hats, or bare midriffs. Shirts must have sleeves. Leggings/running tights/yoga pants may only be worn under skirts, not as pants. All items must be clean and neat and appropriate for school in both appearance and “message” (no political messages, please). Sadly, we’ve all seen t-shirts that say things, either in words or pictures, that are not in keeping with Philippians 4:8 (think about what is true, noble, right, pure, etc.). Our Color Day clothing should still reflect who we are as a Christian classical community, and students should be “dressed for success” on any school day!

Students should plan to wear athletic shoes on Color Day as they may spend time outside or in the gym. Please note that starting November 1, shorts may not be won to school.