School News


Annual Fund Update – Week 1

December 9th, 2022

We are so thankful for your partnering with us to cultivate lives of faith, reason, and virtue. Our annual fund drive is our single fundraiser and critical to the funding of our operations. We begin each year with 90% in place, and the annual fund closes the gap.

Thank you to each of you who have already participated in setting the pace! We are currently at 21% ($15,372) of our goal of $75,000. This includes taking advantage of $5,124 of the generous offer to match up to $25,000 for all funds received in 2022. Please help us to take advantage of all the matching funds by donating between now and December 31 to achieve our goal of $75,000! Online donations can be made here.

Lessons and Carols – Friday, December 16

December 8th, 2022

Please invite friends and family to Christmas Lessons and Carols on Friday, December 16. Doors will open at 9:55, and student-performed prelude music will begin at 10:10. Guests should park in the upper lot (access from Maple Creek Ave., not 52nd St.) and enter through the church narthex doors.

Students should arrive at the regular drop-off time in dress uniform. Please check the dress uniform items now to make sure all items still fit well.

PSF will be hosting a time of fellowship and refreshment for guests in Chapel Hall after Lessons and Carols. Volunteers are needed.

Thoughtful Reader

December 8th, 2022

Thoughtful Reader (TR) is coming! Look in your student’s backpack for information on our Thoughtful Reader Book Club. Christmas break is a great time to read, read, read. And books make great Christmas gifts! TR runs through February with fun activities, lively discussions, and our annual Book Character Day to look forward to!

Book Clubs – Dante and Lewis

December 8th, 2022

We will continue our journey through Dante’s Divine Comedy next semester. Plan to spend some time in Purgatory! Watch for discussion information after the break. We’re also planning a discussion of C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man for Thursday, January 26 at 7:00 p.m. Dante and Lewis both make good reading for the holidays!

CCE Corner

December 8th, 2022

During this season of waiting and celebrating with family and friends, try to carve out time and space to mix up the generations a bit. Consider abandoning that “kids’ table” and call the littles (and not-so-littles) up from their basement antics for some time for games and stories and just listening and talking with the older generations. You can read about the importance of intergenerational bonds for faith formation in last week’s post Faith Formation: The Importance of Inter-age Relationships.

Virtue Update – COURAGE (PPC)

December 8th, 2022

The ancient philosopher Aristotle taught that COURAGE can be thought of as a middle path between the two ditches (or vices) of cowardice and rashness/recklessness. He also taught that it is important to know which ditch we are more likely to fall into! Home Connection Materials for COURAGE were sent home last week, but you can also access them here. We hope your family enjoys using them together!

CCE Corner – Faith Formation: The Importance of Inter-age Relationships

November 30th, 2022

Faith is central to our mission at Trinitas, and so we take seriously the task of cultivating an environment in which faith can grow. In addition to striving to maintain high standards in the context of warmth and demonstrating that we are “all in,” we also intentionally foster inter-age relationships as part of faith formation.* In the study mentioned in our previous posts, the authors focus on the important role of grandparents and great grandparents as moral and religious models for children. Their findings suggest that strengthening intergenerational bonds strengthens faith.

In addition to family, church is the place where children are most likely to engage with those who are generations removed from them. Our own family has been deeply blessed by witnessing the faithfulness of older congregants and hearing their stories. And our children have been blessed by opportunities to share their own stories as well. One Sunday, a nearly ninety-year-old gentleman asked our sixth grader if she had read any good books lately and if she would be willing to write a review for the church newspaper. As soon as we arrived home, she eagerly ran to the computer and quickly produced a piece on The Narnia Chronicles. The older man’s interest in her and her ideas eventually led our daughter to become a regular contributor of poetry for the church paper. This prompted others of his generation to warmly express their appreciation for her work. These and similar experiences, like singing in the Holiday Choir next to choristers five to six times her age, have given her a deep feeling of belonging to this intergenerational family of God.

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CCE Corner – Faith Formation: Parents Who Are “All In”

October 27th, 2022

We continue our series on faith formation looking at three characteristics of families who successfully pass on their faith: 1) high standards combined with warmth, 2) strong intergenerational relationships, and 3) parents who are “all in.” * Our previous two posts focused on high standards and warmth. In this post, we’ll focus on what it means to be “all in,” saving intergenerational relationships for a later post. If we want to pass our faith on to our children, they should be able to see our own commitment to and delight in the ways of God.

We tend to do this more naturally with things like careers and hobbies. Children often follow in their parents’ footsteps, ending up with similar interests and pursuits. In our family, four of our children explored STEM but eventually chose humanities majors in college (and the fifth is headed that direction). They just couldn’t get away from the passion for philosophy, religion, politics, history, and literature that seems to be in the air of our home. And, we know Trinitas parents whose own passion for the sciences has been passed on to their children. Whatever one’s passion—football, golf, choral music, hiking, woodworking, cooking—the interest and excitement we show and the energy, time, and even money we spend in pursuit of it will be evident to the young eyes watching us and learning from us. In very many cases, children grow to love what we show them we love. That’s not to say that children always follow in their parents’ footsteps. Sometimes they surprise and delight us and expand our worlds with interests and loves that are unique to them. Still, we should be aware of the influence our own interests, commitments, and loves have on them.

As a school, we hope to help you help your children cultivate God-honoring loves, and we try to provide various ways for them to see that when it comes to the Christian faith, you are “all in.” We are almost through the first quarter. Much has happened since the first day of school. New people have been met. New things have been learned. New routines and habits have been formed. One of our daily routines is all-school Morning Prayer. This time isn’t just a way to start our day; it’s a way to center our hearts and minds. What do we do in Morning Prayer? We sing and pray and meditate on God’s word. We’d like to remind you that parents are always welcome to stay and join their children in worship! And we would also like to encourage you to follow along at home as well. You can use this link to The St. James Daily Devotional Guide for information on subscribing to the same materials we use at school.

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A Message from the Trinitas Board President

October 27th, 2022
This post contains additional content available to members only. Please log in to view the full post.

CCE Corner – Faith Formation: High Standards and Warmth, part II

October 6th, 2022

In our previous CCEC on faith formation, we referenced a comprehensive study on religion and family* which concluded that having high standards combined with warmth is crucial to passing on one’s faith. We observed that having high standards sometimes requires us to speak with vocabulary that differs from the world’s. In that post, we looked at the un-worldly word “holiness.” In this post, we look at “reverence.”

Reverence is not a commonly used word nor a commonly pursued posture. Various dictionaries define reverence as “a feeling of great respect or admiration for someone or something.” Some include “a gesture of respect (such as a bow).” The verb, revere, not surprisingly, is “to regard or treat with reverence.” An important part of faith formation is cultivating such habits and feelings of reverence where they are due.

Reverence is due first of all toward God, the holy creator and sustainer of all. Scripture is filled with examples. In the presence of the burning bush, Moses was told, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” Isaiah and John wrote of six-winged seraphim and ten thousand times ten thousand angels encircling the throne and unceasingly declaring “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come,” “the earth is full of his glory”, and “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” A life of faith involves this posture of reverence. As our former language arts teacher was fond of saying, true education begins with the recognition that there is a God, and you are not He.

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