Volunteer Opportunity

Please check school and classroom newsletters for details about this opportunity.

Community Lunch

Families have the option of ordering Chick-fil-A for lunch. The food will be delivered to the school. Please see school and classroom newsletters for order details.

Book Character Day

Leave the uniform at home and come to school dressed as a Biblical, historical, or literary (classic or modern) character! Students will present clues about their characters to their classmates during a break. It is a fun-filled day, and the students come home eager to read new books. Character ideas must be submitted to the […]

Discover Trinitas Night

You are invited to attend a presentation from our headmaster, meet faculty and parents, and tour the school. Please use the upper parking lot and main church narthex entrance (access to the lot is from Maple Creek Ave., not 52nd St.). Register online or call the school at (616) 855-6518.

Parent-Teacher Conferences (Optional)

Please contact your child’s teacher directly if you wish to meet for a parent-teacher conference during the week of March 27 (M-Th). While spring semester conferences are optional, a teacher may request that one be scheduled.