Our virtue focus for the month of May is COURAGE. These uncertain times certainly provide us with opportunities to be brave. May we all find our courage in the One who assures us, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Let’s look for ways to encourage each other to stand firm; we can’t do this alone.
Recommended readings* to read and discuss together:
Grades K-4:
How the Little Kite Learned to Fly (446)
David and Goliath (447)
The Brave Mice (457)
William Tell (480)
Grades 5-8:
Intro to Courage (441)
Our Heroes (461)
The Minotaur (462)
The Brave Three Hundred (473)
*Readings can be found in The Book of Virtues, ed. William J. Bennett. Copies can be found on Amazon Smile.
“Try This” ideas for families:
One: God’s word helps us to be brave. As a family, memorize the verses above or other verses about courage. We can also help each other to be brave. Talk about ways to do this (e.g., send a card to a heath care or other essential worker letting them know you’re praying for them.)
Two: Mark Twain said “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” What do you think he means? Talk together about examples from your own life or others’ of moral courage. How can you be brave in this way?
Three: Ephesians 4:10-18 says to “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” and to “put on the full armor of God.” Read and discuss these passages together. Draw a picture of the armor of God to remind you to be brave in God’s power.
Four: What scared your parents when they were young? How did they overcome these fears?