Next Week – Field Day…All Week!

May 15th, 2020

Field Day is finally here! While it won’t be like any other Field Day we’ve had, you could also say “IT WON’T BE LIKE ANY FIELD DAY WE’VE EVER HAD!”.

This year, students will be participating in Field Day by submitting photos or video links to our special Field Day Event Submission Email. Students may submit as many entries as they’d like so long as no two submissions are of the same activity. Photos or videos with siblings in them will count for as many points as there are students. In the photos and/or videos, students should be wearing their team colors.

This year’s Field Day teams and a list of suggested games that will qualify for submission were emailed to families. Submissions will be accepted immediately (You can start right now!) and may continue to be submitted until 10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 22. At 11:30 a.m. that day, we will have an all-school Zoom meeting to announce the winning team. Have fun!

Create a team flag to display in your photos and videos! Bring it to our closing celebration!