Notae Latinae: “Euge” for MJCL! (Euge = Hurrah!)

February 2nd, 2024

The Michigan Junior Classical League spring conference (a.k.a. “MJCL”) is a fun day that brings together Latin students from across the state! The day features workshops, academic skills tests, and some competitive events (e.g., oratory, visual art, Olympika games, Latin quiz bowl, costume contest). Students in grades 6 through 8 are eligible to attend. Several parent drivers/chaperones will be needed as this year’s conference is on Saturday, March 23. The cost for families is $10 per student. (Trinitas is paying the rest of the $25 conference fee in addition to providing a team t-shirt.) Lunch is included.  

The sign-up forms that went home with students earlier this week must be returned by Wednesday, February 14. 

It has become a tradition to send off our MJCL team with a parking lot pep rally ahead of dismissal. Please plan to attend this year’s rally on Friday, March 22, at 2:30 p.m.