We encourage you to review our COVID-19 webpage that details our response and plans for the upcoming school year, if you haven’t already. One of the FAQs speaks to the difference between “online homeschooling” and “online school at home”:
Remote instruction is primarily instruction via teacher-student-whole class interaction and teacher-supplied materials, with teachers directing assignments and pacing, and providing instruction, assessment, and feedback, similar to a physical classroom experience. While classes do not meet for the entire school day, they do meet at specific and predetermined times via remote meeting app (e.g., Zoom). Students maintain a rhythm that has the look and feel of a normal school day schedule, engaging each class and interacting with teachers and other students much as they would if they were on campus. Online homeschooling generally does not have this level of teacher-student-classmate live interaction, direction, and support or scheduling.
As we all saw this spring, online learning certainly requires increased parent time and involvement, both for technical support reasons (Most of us ran into issues trying to join a Zoom meeting at some point!) and because students simply don’t have as many hours in class for questions and assistance. We remain deeply grateful for all that you did to help make last year’s transition to school at home so seamless! If a move to remote instruction becomes necessary this year, we trust we will likewise be successful in our efforts. Please know our staff will once again do all they can to deliver the quality and content of our classical Christian curriculum. We value your feedback and ask that you contact the office if you have questions or concerns. Thank you!